The purpose of Gun Violence Prevention Week (GVPW) is to bring awareness to the violence perpetrated in our society with guns.
The SFPS Office of Student Wellness, including Wellness Ambassadors to Voice and Empower (WAVE) students, and New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, are collaborating on the 8th Annual Pledge Against Gun Violence and Gun Violence Prevention Week to be held March 11-15, 2024
Throughout the week, WAVE students will encourage gun violence prevention activities in SFPS schools, including creating student artwork to honor youth lost to gun violence, facilitated by New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, to be hung in schools across Santa Fe.
student pledge against gun violence
The Student Pledge Against Gun Violence is a national program that encourages young people to abstain from gun violence. It is not meant to be anti-gun, nor anti-hunting, but it is anti-violence and supportive of responsible gun ownership.
Since SFPS implemented the pledge in 2014, there has been a 52% drop in students bringing weapons to school (Source: 2013 - 2019 NM YRRS Survey).
Students across the district are encouraged Pledge Against Gun Violence, in which students pledge to never carry a gun to school, never use a gun to settle a personal problem or dispute and use their influence with friends to keep them from using guns to settle disputes. (Adults can sign, too!)
Burque cares poem & mural
Last month, WAVE groups visited Albuquerque to plan for Gun Violence Prevention Week and to view a brand new, unique mural created by New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence at the San Pedro Library.
The mural combines visual art, poetry, tech literacy, and music utilizing augmented reality via cellphone cameras. Using a QR code, viewers can access resources, observe the names of people lost to gun violence, and watch Poet Laureate, Jessica Helen Lopez perform a piece written on the topic.
While the mural is best experienced in person, WAVE captured the spoken word piece to share with community members and to be used during lessons led by WAVE members this week.
student education
During the field trip to Albuquerque, NMPGV led a presentation and group discussion on the issue of gun violence in our state. This was an opportunity for WAVE students to learn more about this issue as well as discuss their concerns and ideas on prevention efforts. Students were also able to work on art activities and planning for ways to honor and implement GVPW on their campus.
Gun Lock Distribution Events
At the SFHS vs West Mesa Championship Basketball Game (hosted at SFHS) NMPGV and WAVE distributed informational handouts and gun locks to attendees over the age of 18, free of charge. Over 50 locks were given out that night! WAVE is exploring opportunities to distribute gun locks at additional events as well.
Rock peace gardens & Wings of hope
WAVE Members will facilitate peers at their school sites in creating temporary murals composed of paper feathers displayed together as a pair of wings, symbolizing the potential for change when youth band together. Students are encouraged to share messages of hope and decorate their feathers in conjunction with the Student Pledge.
WAVE groups also painted rocks during their Spring field trip while reflecting on peace and non-violence. The rocks will be displayed on campuses to share these positive messages with their community.