
Suicide Prevention Month

For information about this year’s Seize the Awkward Campaign, click here.

September is Suicide Prevention Month. We encourage WAVE groups to participate in this month of awareness by hosting a campaign at their schools. WAVE groups are welcome to come up with their own ideas, but we have suggested some campaigns here.


Bullying Prevention Month

During the month of October, we bring awareness to bullying prevention, being an upstander, and ways to be assertive. WAVE groups are welcome to host kindness campaigns in their schools, request trainings from local experts, or work with the Specialist to develop trainings for their school!


gun violence prevention

WAVE works closely with New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence on annual campaigns around ending gun violence in schools. WAVE groups work together on projects (typically art projects and pledges) that come together to demonstrate our commitment to keeping guns out of schools.


Fall leadership retreats

Each year, the WAVE Leadership Council hosts day conferences for every WAVE member in Santa Fe County. These Leadership Institutes are split by grade level (middle school and high school), and focus on topics selected by the Leadership Council.


WAVE Legislative Day of Action

During the New Mexico Legislative Session (typically Jan-Feb or Jan-March, depending on the year), WAVE hosts a Legislative Day of Action. This day of action brings all the WAVE groups together, along with other collaborating youth groups, to learn about the legislative process, how to affect change, how to talk with their legislators, and advocate for specific bills and issues they want to impact.

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Staycation is an opportunity for Santa Fe County youth to participate in free activities with their peers in an effort to reduce substance use during Spring Break. Staycation offers healthy, substance-free, fun activities based on input from the Leadership Council. Past opportunities have included Regal Movie Theaters, Genoveva Chavez Community Center, Rockin’ Rollers, and others. Staycation also offers service learning opportunities for youth who are interested in giving back to their community.