Leadership Council


The WAVE Youth Leadership Council is a cohort of representatives from each of the high school WAVE sites. The Leadership Council meets regularly with the WAVE Specialist to guide the direction and activities of the overall WAVE program for both middle and high school, as well as represent a critical youth voice for SFPS. The Leadership Council assists with the planning, leadership, and execution of WAVE’s activities, ranging from county-wide WAVE events, school site based initiatives, and prevention messaging. With support, they design and lead workshops for high school and middle school WAVE members, lead their WAVE groups, develop prevention messaging targeted at their peers, and identify the relevant issues they feel most passionate about focusing on. These leaders provide a valuable pillar in their WAVE groups at their individual schools, as well as within the WAVE program as a whole. 

WAVE members interested in joining the Leadership Council can reach out to WAVE Specialist at callers@sfps.k12.nm.us for an application.